
Inga Mertin  & Stephan Holtmeier

This study describes the use of a Multisource-Feedback-Tool (MSF) for the purpose of identifying and developing talent in systematic talent management (TM). It focusses on students and young professionals as a group of persons, that have not received much attention in relevant scientific publications so far. In the following, a specific MSF instrument will be described and results of two empirical studies will be presented. Study 1 (N = 90) shows that self-ratings are practically always lower than ratings from others. This finding contrasts results from MSF studies with leaders and managers. Furthermore, there were gender differences in external image in which women receive more supportive feedback for taking future leadership tasks than male participants, for example. Study 2 presents results from a follow-up evaluation of the MSF based on Kirkpatrick’s four level model in which 37 of the initial 90 participants from Study 1 took part. The participants rated the tool’s overall-usefulness as high. Especially the opportunity to learn about self-other agreement and to take part in a feedback coaching session have been evaluated as helpful for individual career planning. The final discussion aggregates key findings of the current studies and gives an outlook and recommendations concerning the use of MSF for students and young professionals in TM.

Themenheft 01-2014